
By admin1, 23 February, 2024

The banking industry has always been one of those that are dedicated to using technology in its favor, seeking solutions that allow it to give the best of itself to its clients and also ensure that clients can carry out their procedures easily.

We recently carried out an automation project for a bank that sought to automate the process of requesting and handling the procedures for default on personal loans and credit cards that were the result of the economic destabilization that occurred due to the COVID-19 quarantine.

By admin1, 23 February, 2024

A company, regardless of its size, needs all its workers to be in communication and have their tasks, information, documentation (if applicable) and other functions on a single platform. An Intranet network is in charge of just this.

Rootnet offers a wonderful intranet service, integrated with multiple functionalities and modules that will help your company to maintain uninterrupted communication between the different departments.


By admin1, 23 February, 2024

The Rootnet Service Desk automates processes (such as requesting technical support, for example). It is an easy-to-use platform that improves productivity and service efficiency in the retail area. With the Service Desk, the company can manage its client's problems in real time, while comparing them with a visualization of the progress made. This offers companies a new way of receiving, handling and managing any doubt, complaint or problem and makes it easier for the company to produce answers and solutions in real time.

By admin1, 23 February, 2024

With Rootnet Kiosk, starting a workflow is simple. Once the most practical flow has been selected, an authentication phase will come where it will be verified whether you have permissions for said action. Finally, once this process is completed, the fields of the workflow form must be completed in order to finally start the workflow.

The Kiosk add-on is extremely useful to start workflows easily and quickly.