Learn about the benefits of Rootnet in the Banking sector

By admin1, 23 February, 2024

Our Rootnet Suite can help manage your business in the banking industry by automating processes to transform the customer experience into a simple, useful and efficient process. Specifically, there are many benefits that can come from the different Rootnet Suite modules.

Benefits of Rootnet in the Banking sector

Adopt Single Sign-On for Solutions to Your Clients and/or Internal Platforms

With Rootnet Sync you can use single sign-on for all your bank solutions. This solution can be adapted to make the platform evolve based on your needs.

Customer Relationship Management

Rootnet's Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a must for banks interested in exceeding customer expectations who require service with personalized, customer-focused strategies. The benefits of Rootnet CRM can be as mechanical as relevant information about customers or sending emails, smarter actions such as customer customers, and analysis of customer behavior with each marketing campaign.

Facilitates Collaboration and Communication

When we talk about banking and finance, our Rootnet Intranet is essential to facilitate communication and collaboration between staff or departments, reinforcing the company culture and the ability to work as a team. An Intranet solution is also recommended as it can be customized to address the fact that not all financial institutions have the same performance or requirements. Another benefit is the automation of team work definition flow related to roles. This allows your COO to have a place to manage the work of his team in one place and create the culture in which his team enters the time invested based on a role or a project.

Task Automation

Rootnet's Service Desk automates repetitive tasks within the banking industry by digitizing the customer experience and sectors such as investment banking, companies, private equity, among others. By performing and verifying calculations, completing forms, and searching and extracting data from the web, databases, and folders, the Service Desk succeeds in helping the banking industry to operate more productively and efficiently as more time can be invested in providing more personalized attention to the sectors that generate the most money for the bank. In addition, it helps to automate the tickets of its banking customers to be able to centralize customer service even if the company has customer service needs of multiple inputs such as mobile banking, online banking, self-management portals, branches, etc.


With the Rootnet Suite, banks and any other financial institution can begin to rethink their services based on the needs of the industry and customers. This is seen not only with changes in reinvestment times by the client, but also by reducing the costs associated with elements of the system, facilitating the integration and centralization of information, thus creating a more productive, efficient and profitable organization.

