
By admin1, 23 February, 2024

The Single Sign-On module allows one to have a software single sign-on. This module manages users through APIs, modifies permissions, activates accounts and resets passwords - generally creating an environment of authenticity and security for companies and entities that choose to implement this module. A Single Sign-On allows the platform to extend authentications, even towards external authentications while also monitoring and managing user activities.

By admin1, 23 February, 2024

It's no secret that cloud integration is one of the main challenges facing businesses today. In order to meet the growing need for secure and reliable cloud integration solutions, Rootstack has begun offering integration services known as Integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS), which works as a middle layer or middleware between different types of platforms. 


By admin1, 23 February, 2024

The banking industry has always been one of those that are dedicated to using technology in its favor, seeking solutions that allow it to give the best of itself to its clients and also ensure that clients can carry out their procedures easily.

We recently carried out an automation project for a bank that sought to automate the process of requesting and handling the procedures for default on personal loans and credit cards that were the result of the economic destabilization that occurred due to the COVID-19 quarantine.

By admin1, 23 February, 2024

Managing the budget within government institutions or private companies is one of the most tedious aspects when making a purchase or approving an expense. Many of these processes are carried out manually and must go through different types of approvers before being completed.

Due to the health crisis we are suffering, this process cannot be done manually. To improve it, Workflow tools are usually used to digitize and standardize everything related to an expense approval process.

Points to consider


By admin1, 23 February, 2024

The health crisis has brought an acceleration for companies when adopting tools that allow them to continue operating their business. Some solutions are meant to manage projects or tasks digitally, others to maintain communication through chat. One that can undoubtedly make a difference is the electronic signature.

Solutions such as Validated ID allow the digital signing of documents in a quick and safe manner. This solution can be integrated with Rootnet Workflow, an automation solution that facilitates the execution of business processes.


By admin1, 23 February, 2024

Within companies and especially in Human Resources departments, one of the most important tasks is the onboarding and offboarding of their collaborators.

What is onboarding?

Onboarding is a progressive process designed to help employees to successfully integrate into the company and adapt to their new professional stage.

By admin1, 23 February, 2024

Banks need to manage very specific processes to continue operating. These processes had to be transformed for the digital age in which we live since clients demand better attention and agility.

By employing a strategic approach that focuses on banking processes suitable for automation, banks can gradually implement highly efficient processes. When selecting workflow management software, organizations must ensure that the solution offers certain key features.

By admin1, 23 February, 2024

Project management skills top the list of the most demanded soft skills by companies around the world. Rootnet Projects can be used to manage all types of projects in any industry.

Driven by globalization and the inevitable expansion of markets caused by the growth of the internet and new technologies, companies are facing more and more competitors. Therefore, they must manage their resources effectively to obtain greater profitability.

By admin1, 23 February, 2024

Workflow bottlenecks can mean a significant loss of time, money, and resources for your organization. As one person or department rushes to complete an overwhelming workload, the staff members responsible for the next step in the process are idle. This lack of efficiency has a greater impact than payroll costs. Bottlenecks can prevent the delivery of products and services on time, lowering customer confidence.

By admin1, 23 February, 2024

Rootnet is a fairly extensive suite of applications, which offers the possibility of managing all aspects and departments of a company. It is made up of the CRM, Service Desk, Sync, and Intranet modules, and, precisely, we are going to talk about the latter, ideal for managing your company's human resources.

Rootnet Intranet aims to improve all internal workflows and the communication of all co-workers, thus promoting a culture of collaboration and support among all. It also promotes the formation of a much more active and participatory community.