How to make the expense approval process easier

By admin1, 23 February, 2024

Managing the budget within government institutions or private companies is one of the most tedious aspects when making a purchase or approving an expense. Many of these processes are carried out manually and must go through different types of approvers before being completed.

Due to the health crisis we are suffering, this process cannot be done manually. To improve it, Workflow tools are usually used to digitize and standardize everything related to an expense approval process.

Points to consider

The first thing you should know is that tools like Rootnet Workflows go hand in hand with a culture that shifts towards your company’s digital transformation.

Depending on the case, some processes may require including an approver or a special signature by an authority resulting in a dynamic workflow.

Other benefits include improving the company’s processes and being able to redefine flows and eliminate steps that are not necessary to optimize times.

With Rootnet Workflows, within each workflow, you can create templates that can be exported to formats such as Excel, PDF, and Docs. This greatly facilitates the creation and presentation of different types of files at the managerial level or documentation that will be filed as evidence within a previously created process or request.

Another interesting feature is the usability of its dashboard that presents relevant information like active workflows, those that are pending approval, and those that are overdue. This allows you to have personalized alerts so that approvers can review their requests and the traceability of the information is not lost.

Rootstack has a team of consultants ready to help you implement solutions like Rootnet Workflows that will surely help you improve your efficiency and productivity. Contact us now!


