How to automate your company's onboarding and offboarding process?

By admin1, 23 February, 2024

Within companies and especially in Human Resources departments, one of the most important tasks is the onboarding and offboarding of their collaborators.

What is onboarding?

Onboarding is a progressive process designed to help employees to successfully integrate into the company and adapt to their new professional stage.

What is offboarding?

Offboarding is related to all activities that help collaborators satisfactorily conclude their employment relationship with the organization. The Offboarding process should be as important as Onboarding within any company.

Why is it important to automate these processes?

It can help reduce adapting time which translates into cost savings. On the other hand, new collaborators will follow a faster route to achieve the objectives in a more efficient way, improving their productivity in their first days.

During an offboarding process, regardless of the reason for the employee's departure, we must help them leave with a good image of our company. Automating the offboarding process can help you plan in advance the closing activities that are pending for the organization.

Use Rootnet Intranet to improve this process

Rootnet Intranet is the most complete product of our business solutions suite where you will find modules such as Community for the creation and administration of the collaborator's profile. It will help you better understand their roles and activities.

In the Workflows module, the collaborator can monitor their onboarding and offboarding processes, create their requests, or start their processes related to work permits, absence from work, and other needs related to the role they play within the company.

The Project module will allow you to create the list of tasks or assignments that must be fulfilled during the onboarding and offboarding process so that the collaborator adapts to the work rhythm and manages their time efficiently.

Finally, there is the Resourcing module where the collaborator tracks his weekly tasks and times so that there is traceability when reviewing the objectives achieved during the onboarding or offboarding process.

If you want to know more about how to improve these processes, you can contact Rootnet’s team of consultants who will guide you on the best solutions available.

