How to create news in Rootnet Community

By admin1, 23 February, 2024

Rootnet is a fairly extensive suite of applications, which offers the possibility of managing all aspects and departments of a company. It is made up of the CRM, Service Desk, Sync, and Intranet modules, and, precisely, we are going to talk about the latter, ideal for managing your company's human resources.

Rootnet Intranet aims to improve all internal workflows and the communication of all co-workers, thus promoting a culture of collaboration and support among all. It also promotes the formation of a much more active and participatory community.

How Rootnet Community Works

Within the Intranet module, users can find the Community submodule, which we will talk about in this blog. It is a functionality that provides a novel way of managing each collaborator or employee of a company, managing their roles and the departments in which each one works.

Community also has a company news feed and tools to give feedback to employees, promoting constant communication between everyone. For the Rootnet Intranet team, communication is the most important value when working as a team.

From the moment a new user is created in the Rootnet Community, they are assigned a role and a department. This user will also have a personal profile, where they can enter details about their profession, academic degree, specializations, among other more personal details such as birth date, telephone number, and address.

We teach you how to create a news in Rootnet Community

Create news

Click on the “Add news” button. Next, a form will open where you can add a title and a description of said news. You can attach an image and place the name of the department associated with this information. To save the changes, you simply click on “Add news”, a button at the bottom of the form.

Edit a news

After creating the news, if you want to apply some type of edition, you can do it in the following way. Click the blue pencil icon on the desired news item, make the corresponding edits or adjustments, and then click "Save" to save the changes.

Delete a news

If what you want is to delete an already published news, you can do it quickly by clicking on the red trash can icon and confirming this action in the pop-up window that appears on the screen.

See how to use news filters

To make the news search faster, you can use the filter functionality offered by the Rootnet Community platform. Through these filters, you can locate the news by department, by most recent news or by read/unread news.

These are the categories when filtering news:

  • My news and all news
  • Departments, news filtered by department
  • Search field, news location by match
  • Last News
  • News read
