
By admin1, 23 February, 2024

Which is the correct integration strategy for a company?

The company must justify an integration recommendation to benefit vital B2B technology. On the other hand, you should avoid forcing something to extract missing functions and capabilities. Make sure your IT infrastructure is prepared for a system integration method that includes B2B, applications, data, and legacy infrastructure. Build a plan with your provider based on multiple benefits and their shortcomings.

By admin1, 23 February, 2024

The Integrator module can connect the Rootnet suite with any platform, not only the already popular platforms that are with Rootnet, as well as Mautic, Mailchimp, etc. If not, the Integrator also works with any other platform as long as the client/user has the credentials of it. Like a module that manages to help integrate platforms, Integrator allows one to interact with more platforms with a web interface and to be able to share or synchronize data between platforms.

By admin1, 23 February, 2024

The Single Sign-On module allows one to have a software single sign-on. This module manages users through APIs, modifies permissions, activates accounts and resets passwords - generally creating an environment of authenticity and security for companies and entities that choose to implement this module. A Single Sign-On allows the platform to extend authentications, even towards external authentications while also monitoring and managing user activities.

By admin1, 23 February, 2024

It's no secret that cloud integration is one of the main challenges facing businesses today. In order to meet the growing need for secure and reliable cloud integration solutions, Rootstack has begun offering integration services known as Integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS), which works as a middle layer or middleware between different types of platforms. 


By admin1, 23 February, 2024

The banking industry has always been one of those that are dedicated to using technology in its favor, seeking solutions that allow it to give the best of itself to its clients and also ensure that clients can carry out their procedures easily.

We recently carried out an automation project for a bank that sought to automate the process of requesting and handling the procedures for default on personal loans and credit cards that were the result of the economic destabilization that occurred due to the COVID-19 quarantine.