How to automate the process of electronic signatures with Rootnet Workflow

By admin1, 23 February, 2024

The health crisis has brought an acceleration for companies when adopting tools that allow them to continue operating their business. Some solutions are meant to manage projects or tasks digitally, others to maintain communication through chat. One that can undoubtedly make a difference is the electronic signature.

Solutions such as Validated ID allow the digital signing of documents in a quick and safe manner. This solution can be integrated with Rootnet Workflow, an automation solution that facilitates the execution of business processes.

Some points to consider before acquiring this type of solution:

  1. Security: the legislation related to the use of digital signatures and its validity in public processes still needs to be improved in some Latin American countries. Within Rootnet Workflow, this aspect is covered as there is a software that allows you to know the level of pulsation of the person when signing, efficiently determining if the person actually made the signature.
  2. Integrity: our lives are increasingly directed towards digital identity and every action we take on the network is connected to our own IP address. Through Rootnet Workflows, your data will always be protected since it has a sophisticated security system to preserve personal identity.
  3. Streamlining: undoubtedly one of the main benefits of incorporating digital signatures in your processes is streamlining them. This avoids wasting time on issues such as sending paper documentation.

We are interested in helping you improve your company's efficiency with Rootnet Workflow solutions. Don’t hesitate to contact one of our agents to arrange a meeting and to obtain a product demo.


