Rootnet Service Desk Features

By admin1, 23 February, 2024
service desk

The Rootnet Service Desk automates processes (such as requesting technical support, for example). It is an easy-to-use platform that improves productivity and service efficiency in the retail area. With the Service Desk, the company can manage its client's problems in real time, while comparing them with a visualization of the progress made. This offers companies a new way of receiving, handling and managing any doubt, complaint or problem and makes it easier for the company to produce answers and solutions in real time.

What can you do with our Service Desk?

Automation of Returns (Online)

With this solution, customers can use it to begin returning a product online. The process would begin with creating the return online using a form and creating the ticket on the platform so that the internal team of the retail company can manage it.

Ticket Generation

The tickets module  works to generate all kinds of requests and reports. This can facilitate processes, such as the return of products online, as each ticket details the necessary information and the priority level.

