Rootnet Intranet: Benefits of workflows for your company

By admin1, 23 February, 2024

A company, regardless of its size, needs all its workers to be in communication and have their tasks, information, documentation (if applicable) and other functions on a single platform. An Intranet network is in charge of just this.

Rootnet offers a wonderful intranet service, integrated with multiple functionalities and modules that will help your company to maintain uninterrupted communication between the different departments.

Also, it guarantees a data information distribution process, which can be obtained immediately by authorized personnel. Integrating the intranet to a company is to guarantee its survival in the new technological economy that has been developing over the years.

Rootnet Intranet Workflows

The Intranet Workflows section was designed to define, execute and automate various processes where tasks, information and documents are passed from one person to another for action according to a set of procedural rules.

Workflows is an important and complex part of the intranet since it is connected to various Intranet and CRM modules, generating versatility and added value.

  1. Add workflow: To add a workflow, we click on the "+Add" button, then we choose the workflow we want to create and complete the form, finally we click on the "Create workflow" button and that's it, the flow will be added to your company's intranet.
  2. Export workflows: To export workflows, we click the blue button located at the top right and then select an export option. It is important to note that the file takes a while to be generated, this depends on the number of workflows to be exported, finally we click on "Download".
  3. Import workflows: To import workflows, first, using the workflow type option, we select the type of workflow that we want to import, then we click on the blue import button and select "IMPORT WORKFLOWS". In the next window we attach the file using the "Select file" button and upload it by clicking the "IMPORT WORKFLOWS" button.

Intranet benefits for companies

An intranet is a private network used within an organization to facilitate internal communication, collaboration, and information sharing. These are some of the benefits that an intranet can provide to companies:

  • Enhanced Communication: An intranet provides a centralized platform for employees to communicate with each other, regardless of their location within the organization. This can lead to better collaboration, faster decision making, and increased productivity.
  • Enhanced Collaboration: An intranet can facilitate team collaboration by providing tools for sharing files, managing projects, and communicating in real time. This can help teams work together more efficiently and effectively, leading to better results.
  • Access to information: An intranet provides a single location for employees to access important company information such as policies, procedures, and news. This can help ensure everyone is on the same page and can help reduce errors and confusion.
  • Improved knowledge management: An intranet can serve as a repository for company knowledge and expertise. This can help capture institutional knowledge and ensure it is available for future use.
  • Increased security: An intranet provides a secure environment for company data and information. This can help protect sensitive information and prevent unauthorized access.
  • Cost savings: An intranet can help reduce the costs associated with printing, distributing, and storing paper-based materials. It can also help reduce travel costs by facilitating virtual meetings and collaboration.

Overall, an intranet can provide significant benefits to businesses by improving communication, collaboration, and access to information, while improving security and reducing costs.


