Service Desk Software: The new way to deal with customer support

By admin1, 23 February, 2024
service desk

Many companies seem to believe that their relationship with their customers ends once the sell has been done and the product has been delivered, and that is just not right.

There are many, many factors to consider about keeping a client or customer happy, and it doesn’t end when the sell has been done, and it sure doesn’t begin when they contact you, it begins (and ends) with customer support.

You see, the importance of customer support is HUGE, specially when you consider that, on average, one happy client can refer your services up to nine different people.

There’s also the fact that content clients are 14 times more likely to get your services or products than a new client, which of course, means a significant increase on your sales.

How can you improve your customer support system

We have made pretty clear that having a great customer support platform is a must nowadays, specially when you consider the advantages of making one client happy, and the consequences that bring making one single client’s experience bad.

Now, as to how can you improve your customer support system, it will depend on the one you already have. Whether it is a email your customer can write to, or a phone center, you need to think of better ways to bring them a better service, and that is through a Service Desk Software.

If you don’t know what that is, let us explain A Service Desk Software that acts like a platform through which you can manage your client’s problems in real time, while they see the progress being made.

A Service Desk software offers companies a new way to receive, handle and manage customer’s doubts, complains or problems in real time while also letting them know when their problem has been solved.

This platform, unlike many other customer supports options, is one of the few that actually connects the company, the collaborator taking care of the problem and the client itself meanwhile the problem is being solved.

How does a Service Desk Software works

Like we said, a Service Desk is a platform that doubles as a way for your customer to reach out to you and actually see how you are taking care of their problems, while you, on the other hand, are working to solve whatever that is happening.

To put it simply, it is all based on tickets. These “tickets” are requests clients fill in explaining the problem they are currently experiencing. Once the client has sent them, the whole actual process begins.

In a Service Desk software, there are three figures that are involved in the process of solving the problem:

  1. The client

  2. The collaborator

  3. The administrator

Of course, the client themselves won’t see or have access to the whole platform, but WILL be able to see and access their tickets, interact with the collaborator that is in charge of solving their problem, leave comments and keep track of the current status of the problem.

On the other hand, the administrator and collaborators will have access to the whole software, visualizing all of the current tickets, assigning them to different collaborators and working on them.

To summarize the process, it looks something like this:

The administrator sets up the ticket > The client access the service desk and fills in the ticket > The ticket is sent to the platform > It’s assigned to a collaborator > The collaborator works on it and solves the issue > The ticket is resolved and the client qualifies the level of attention and efficiency

By implementing this type of platform, you’re giving your customers a new and effective way to communicate their problems/issues/complains directly to your team, and give them a proper response almost right away.

Switching to a new customer support software rather than keep up working with the one you already have might seem challenging at first, however, it doesn’t have to be so much of a complicated process.

If you are ready to increase your team’s productivity, resolve your client’s problems in a shorter amount of time and automating your processes, contact us and let us help you help YOUR customers!

