One of the most important aspects of a company is the handling of documentation. Information and data are what give structure and direction to each of the company's actions, so the organization of this information is essential to maintain order in each of the processes executed by the teams. This is why Rootnet included the Documentation submodule in its suite.
Importance of document management
This Rootnet Intranet Documentation submodule arises from the need to organize the documentation and, furthermore, standardize the processes that are carried out. The documentation is used, in general, to consult or search for references of the procedures that must be followed to carry out a certain action or task.
“Document management is the process and set of rules that are applied to categorize and store all the documents that are generated in an organization. In other words, it is about managing and archiving the different documents that a company makes and receives throughout its life”, they explained on this subject in an article by Inenka Business School.
Organizing the documentation is also important because, for example, if an employee leaves the company for some reason, all the processes that he or she was in charge of will be recorded in the documentation. No task is going to be paralyzed by the absence of an employee or a collaborator.
How the Rootnet Intranet Documentation submodule works
"Documentation" is a functionality integrated into the Rootnet Intranet module, whose purpose is to manage all the documents that have been registered in the system by the company's collaborators. This allows the search and viewing of documents to be much easier and faster. Users can also see in detail the changes that have been applied to each document.
Create document
To create a new document, you just have to click on the “Add document” button and complete the form. At the end, you can click “Add”. The information requested when adding a document is the following: Title, Version, Type, Index, Category and Author.
Actions allowed in the list of documents
Among the actions that you can apply to each document in the list, are:
- Select a document
- See document
- Publish / Unpublish document
- Edit Category
- Delete a document
- Select all or multiple documents at once
Document filters
To facilitate the search for documents, users can locate them through these filters:
- Type of documents
- Categories
- Condition
- Search by textÂ
You can start this search by entering a keyword from the document title or the author of the document. You can apply as many filters as you want in this search.
Export documents
This is one of the most valuable functions of the Documentation section present in Rootnet Intranet, since it allows you to export the documents that are uploaded to the system.
How to set up a document profile
After clicking the “Add Document” button, you will be able to see the document form. You must fill in the Document Type, Author, Document Template, Document Category, Title and Description fields. When finished, you can click on the “Create” button.
By default you will see the Information tab, where you can view different aspects of the document such as:
1. Document state diagram
2. Date of creation and modification of the document
3. Author
4. Description
5. ISO 9000 template fields
6. Description of the states
7. Files attached to the document
8. Comments section.
Likewise, you can change the tab to view other aspects of the document, such as:
1. The versions.
2. All changes applied to the current version of the document.
3. The history of visits that the document has had.
4. Document category.
By default, documents are created with status “Not published”. To change the status of a document to “Published”, click on the “Unpublished” option located on the right side of the document title and select the “Published” option.