Manage all problems via Service Desk

By admin1, 23 February, 2024
service desk

Within all the services and platforms that you can find in our Suite, Rootnet Service Desk is the only one that is used by three types of users: The administrators, the collaborators, and of course, the clients.

The concept of Service Desk isn’t something new, as a matter of fact, these types of platforms are rather common, however, not many people know how to use them, or how to make the most out of it.

With a great Service Desk such as Rootnet Service Desk you can successfully manage all problems or incidents regarding that your customer might have, doing so in an easy and effective way.

What is Rootnet Service Desk

Service Desk is a platform through which you can can manage any problem, incident or complain your customers might have, by using tickets that will automatically appear on your platform, allowing you to take care of them.

It is a platform that doubles as a way for your customers to reach out to you and actually see how you are taking care of their problems, while you, on the other hand, are working to solve whatever that is happening.

There are three main things you can do with Rootnet Service Desk by using the different modules and features available, and those are: Setting up tickets, creating accounts and using it as a customer.

By combining these three features, you will be able to perfectly manage all problems via our Service Desk, making sure every client has been taken care of, and every incident has been solved properly.

How to Manage problems via Service Desk

Like we just mentioned, Service desk has three main options or features within their platforms that are aimed at three different types of users: One, setting up tickets, which is a task reserved for the administrators; two, creating the accounts for those who will take part on resolving the problems; and three, the clients or users, who will use the platforms to let you know about any problems they might have.

Service Desk: How to use tickets to solve problems

The tickets are set up by the administrator, who will make sure to include any important field they might need the client to fill up in order to resolve the problem itself.

The whole point of the Service Desk pretty much revolves around the tickets, since this is the method, the users will use to communicate their problems to your company and hope for a response.

On your end, you’ll be able to set up and manage the tickets as you see fitting, meanwhile, the user will be responsible for filling up all the fields and giving you the relevant information such as what the problem is, and all the important details you might need.

Once they do this, the tickets will appear on the Service Desk, and you’ll be able to assign them to the different collaborators so they can take on the incident and resolve it accordingly.

Keep in mind, once the collaborator receives a ticket assigned to them, they will be able to start working on it, and more importantly they can let the user know they are already working on them.

Through the tickets the collaborator and the users can communicate and leave notes to keep updated with the case. Also, it is important to notice the ticket will be considered done and closed once the user decides the problem has been satisfactory resolved.

Benefits of Intranet Service Desk

As you can see, our solution is targeted towards creating a platform that allows companies to successfully and efficiently take on problems they users might have by doing this through a platform that also is beneficial for the external users.

That being said, there are many benefits to using Service Desk, including but not limiting to improving your customer support experience, make service requests easier and improve your team’s efficiency on working on different incidents.

#1: Automate your processes

Our Suite is exclusively dedicated to automating your internal and external processes, and taking care of the problems your customers might have with your services is one of the core processes that should be automated. Allow users to easy access the platform and collaborators to work on specific problems all in one place.

#2: Increase efficiency

By being able to report issues and request services through tickets that your workforce can later work on you can significantly increase the efficiency of your whole team, resolving problems quicker and moving into new ones faster.

#3: Increase productivity

Our Service Desk is designed to achieve high levels of productivity within the company and save costs, therefore, the tickets will be sorted in the order they are generated to be able to level the priorities and speed up the process of solving problems. Using a Service Desk solution also allows you to have unlimited support for your local team.

Without a doubt, Rootnet Service Desk is a mall yet complete platform that offers you a solution to manage and successfully take care of any incident, problems or requests your customers might have, all in one place.
