Email Accounts

By admin1, 20 February, 2024

Email accounts


To Login to email accounts, we locate in the upper right part of Email Sync > Email Accounts. Once there we can see the list, filters, and mail.


Create an email account


To add an email account we click on the Add + button this displays a window with fields that must be completed:

Image removed.

• User: name of the email address that will receive the emails that will then be transformed into actions within the Rootnet ecosystem

• Password: real account password, the system needs it to log in automatically when necessary

• Mail server: incoming email address, for example, IMAP

• Encryption Type: Without encryption, STARTTLS and TLS / SSL

• Port: Output port, use only for IMAP

• Test connection: Verification button

• Create email account: Button to finalize and save changes
